Saturday, August 15, 2009

What's Blooming this August 15

Here’s everything that’s blooming in my garden this August 15, 2009.


  1. OK, but do you have any Dahlias? Srsly, gorgeous flowers Angela! Is that Daphne blooming (3rd up on right?) How did you manage that? It's a winter bloomer around here. That white Echinacea/Euphorbia combo is lovely. Thanks for sharing, looking forward to your visit to California next month!

  2. Laura, That's a Daphne X Transatlantica 'Summer Ice.' It has a light fragrance and blooms forever! The tag says it's supposed to bloom in April & October but it hasn't stopped blooming yet. Good in zones 6-9.

    I love my Dahlia cutting garden. My friends like it too; they get fresh flowers anytime I come over.

    Can't wait to see the California gardens in less than a month!

  3. OMG. This is a total EMBARRASSMENT of flower riches! I don't even know what to say - usually I only have 3 or 4 things blooming in my garden! I am totally put to shame!
