Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Leslie Knows Yard Art

Travis' mom, Leslie, does a fantastic job collecting and displaying art on her fence and throughout her yard. Even though each piece is different, they still go together perfectly in the backyard paradise she's worked hard to create. I hope you're as inspired as I am.

When talking to Leslie about this post, she wanted me to mentioned the fence art she recently saw at a friends house. She has a friend with multiple plate racks hanging on her fence that she's filled with plates collected from thrift stores and garage sales (these are of roosters & chickens). According to Leslie, this looked pretty amazing.

Just remember, art is in the eye of the beholder.

So, get to it! Start collecting pieces you love and I bet you'll be surprised how fantastic they look in your garden and even on your fence. And if the art you pick looks bad together - at least you love it.

Below is a sample of Leslie's collection; her favorites are the masks. My favorites are the first and last pictures and the rock. And, yes, I think her pool is very artistic.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing what people add to thier yards. I agree art is in the eye of the beholder.
